41 Apartments Between a Restaurant and a Lounge: The Plans for Tenleytown’s Dancing Crab

by | Oct 13, 2017

The owners of the former Dancing Crab, a restaurant that was once a staple in Tenleytown, are interested in replacing the property with a mixed-use development.

Last night, owners Carlos Horcasitas and his wife May-May Au Huie shared with ANC 3E early concepts to replace the former Dancing Crab at 4615 Wisconsin Avenue NW (map) with a six or seven-story building containing 41 studio and one-bedroom apartments above a sit-down restaurant and below a rooftop lounge. Twelve percent of the units would be set aside for inclusionary zoning.

Conceptual design options for the proposed development

The restaurant will be slightly larger than the current restaurant space with the option for live jazz entertainment. The rooftop lounge will be operated by the restaurant management. Ten parking spaces will be provided in a below-grade garage.

The owners are working with architect Bonstra|Haresign to refine the plans, which would require applying for a planned-unit development (PUD). They hope to file in six months while the designs are fleshed out further. The owners have also explored purchasing the adjacent surface parking lot in order to fully realize the potential of the site.

The commissioners, while glad that the site will see development, encouraged the couple to return to the ANC after filing an intent to file for their PUD application so that the community can get more details and provide feedback on the project.