Six Metro Stations to See Wi-Fi Service for Pilot Program

by | Sep 12, 2016

As featured on Urban Turf

Late Monday, Metro General Manager Paul Wiedefeld announced that public Wi-Fi service will be launched in select Metro stations for a 45-day trial period.

Metrorail passengers passing through six of the system’s most heavily-trafficked stations (Gallery Place/Chinatown, Metro Center, L’Enfant Plaza, Union Station, Judiciary Square and Archives/Navy Memorial) will have access to free Wi-Fi — and a real-time train tracking feature — as part of a pilot program.

The Wi-Fi service will operate similarly to other public wireless internet, with an accompanying terms of service, capacity-based browsing speeds and no data encryption.

Those who sign onto the Wi-Fi will be routed to a landing page that will allow users easy access to Metro’s trip planning and customer service features. One of those features is the new “Where’s My Train?” program, which provides real-time predictive information on train arrivals via an interactive map.

The landing page will also provide customers the option of offering feedback on the service. After the 45-day trial period expires, Wi-Fi service will be suspended while Metro assesses the pilot in hopes of eventually bringing wireless internet connectivity to the entire Metrorail system.